
Broadleaved trees make for excellent bonsai in the United Kingdom and there is a good selection of native broadleaved trees to choose from including:-

  • Alders
  • Crab Apple
  • Common Ash
  • Silver and Downy Birch
  • European Beech
  • Cherry
  • Blackthorn
  • Smooth leaved and Wych Elm
  • Common Hawthorn
  • Small leaved lime
  • Field maple
  • Common Oak
  • Poplar
  • Rowan
  • Whitebeam
  • Wild Service Tree
  • Strawberry tree
  • Willows

In addition there is a wide diversity of broadleaved species of trees world wide which can make some superb bonsai trees due to their unique characteristics which lend themselves more to bonsai styles than some of our native broadleaved trees.

Some of the most commonly used species of broad-leaved trees in bonsai include the Japanese Maples that always look great at the start of the Spring with the first flush of brightly coloured leaves. In addition to Hornbeams and particularly Korean Hornbeam, plus the Chinese Elm as this has a tiny leaf size already.

Here are a selection of broad leaved trees that were recently featured in the Open Competition at Wessex Bonsai Show in May 2014.