Monthly Archives: November 2014

Jade group development

Succulents make great bonsai, and one of the most common is the Jade plant or Crassula. There are many different types of Crassula, some with large thick succulent leaves whilst others have tiny leaves. They have flowers but some flower more readily than others in my experience.

European Bonsai-San Show

The European Bonsai-San show Saulieu was on the 18th and 19th October 2014 and with thanks to Nicolas Baleux for the photos from the show here are some of the amazing bonsai trees that were on display.

Broadleaves @ Heathrow Bonsai Show

The Heathrow Bonsai Show was a great success, and some of the broadleaved bonsai trees on display were shown to their full advantage with the onset of autumn colour and even those that had yet to turn were still impressive as shown from the sample of broadleaved bonsai trees on display below. The range of… Read more »

Winter Image @ Heathrow Bonsai Show

Even though it is still autumn, some of the bonsai trees on display at Heathrow Bonsai Show were already in their winter image which allows you to see the full tracery and structure of the trees. The next show where you will also get this opportunity will be at the Swindon Winter Image Show in… Read more »

Shohin @ Heathrow Bonsai Show

There were some stunning Shohin displays and individual shohin on display at Heathrow Bonsai Show and some of the tree/ pot combinations were superb. Here is a selection of some of the Shohin bonsai trees that were on show.

Conifers @ Heathrow Bonsai Show

What an amazing collection of conifers on display at the Heathrow Bonsai Show, it was hard to select a favourite but some did stand out like the Japanese Black Pine from Sutton Bonsai Society to name but one. The range of styles of the Junipers was inspiring, as well as the Yew trees and some… Read more »

Mame @ Heathrow Bonsai Show

Even though there were only a few Mame on display and given their small size, they stood out and made an impression particularly the mame display itself on the Eastbourne and Wealdon Bonsai Club display. Here are a few images of the Mame bonsai that were on display.