At last the sun came out in Swindon and it got very warm in the afternoon, with not a cloud in the sky. This was just in time for the annual event at Queens Park, in the centre of Swindon; as part of ‘Love your Parks’ the Queens Park Committee hold a family fun day. A small part of the show is a display of bonsai for the visitor to enjoy and discuss. The display allows newer members of the club to exhibit their trees, which is found to be less daunting to the public when they are considering on having a go at creating a bonsai tree. Some of the trees on display started life as garden stock and are easily available.

We also set up a workstation and surprisingly the public showed quite a lot of interest in the pruning of the trees. It kept us busy, although numerous mugs of tea just had to be consumed to allow us to answer all the usual questions from the admirers.

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