Members again attended the Milton Lilbourne Summer Fayre with a small display of trees. It’s to try and encourage others to have a go at the hobby. Luckily, the gazebo was erected in light drizzle, and the display was soon completed in time for the heavy rain and thunder. At least it gave us some shelter to sit and chill with a cup of coffee before the fayre opened. The wet weather was such a shame for the organizers as visitors were slow in arriving. But luckily after an hour or so it stopped and the sun came out which soon dried everything up. It also brought out the crowds and we had a number of interested people to chat to. At least the sun meant that it gave me chance to take a few photographs. We set up several workshop areas which visitors enjoyed and lead on to numerous discussions. Sally even managed to sell a few of her small starter trees.
As we neared the end of the fayre at 5 oclock the dark clouds returned, so it was a rush to get everything into the cars before it started with the wet stuff again.
A big thanks to all that helped. We all agreed that a plain backdrop was needed in the small gazebo, to show the trees to their best advantage, well that’s my job sorted for the next few days then, I had better get the sowing machine out!!!!
Now we can start preparations for the Roots show, Newbury on the 6th July
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