John Trott, [] Mendip Bonsai Studio followed on from a very busy time of year, a ‘Gold’ Medal at the “Chelsea Flower Show” and then the Bath and West Show and the Cornwall Show. John attended the NEC Birmingham for the Gardeners World Live show 2018 with a lovely display of all Azalea’s except the accent plants. He was voted as the………… Geoff Hamilton Award – Best in Show.

No rest for the wicked, he is preparing for the Bristol Bonsai Show on Sunday the 24th June 2018, details already on this site……….

Then John is off to the Hampton Flower show starting on the 3rd July….

I think that he deserves a long rest after that. John is also running bonsai workshops throughout the year, details are on his web site.  Here are photographs of his display at the NEC