Main judge………… Dan Barton, https://danbartoncreative.co.uk/ Judging was for the whole display on a 6 ft table area. Due to show visitors and space it was difficult to capture the whole displays, All photos taken by Andy and Mandy [Swindon members]
- Best Visiting Club Display…………. Ashfield
- Best Deciduous Display………………Barry Gatt. Table No 15, Mountain Maple
- Best Evergreen Display…………….. Caz Bonsai [Caroline Scott], Table No 22, Juniper
- Best Shohin Display…………………… Duncan Hield, Table No 28
- Best Tree & Pot Combo…………… Mark & Ritta Cooper, in shohin display No 27
- Best Accent…………………………….. Paul Spearman, No 18, Larch, accent sponsored & Judged by John Trott [Mendip Bonsai Studio]
Best Visiting Club Display………individual trees

Best Deciduous Display

Best Evergreen Display

Best Shohin Display

Best Tree & Pot Combination, sponsored by Walsall Studio Ceramics.

Best Accent, sponsored and judged by John Trott, Mendip Bonsai Studio, https://www.mendipbonsai.co.uk/

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