It was with great relief that Jerry was able to make the show this year and we were glad to see him there. He brought along a lovely yamadoi English Yew (Taxus baccata) that he has had for 4 years which was in a Dan Barton pot. He placed alongside the Yew a Juniperus Sabina.
Posts Tagged: plants
Mame with Kit Bowns at our show
Kit who is a club member of Swindon and well known for his passion for small trees, set up yet another fantastic miniature display of fascinating mame and accompanying items. It made up a super display and it was a delight to spend time admiring each element.
Sally Mays shohin display
Sally’s shohin display contained 6 trees and an accent and five of the trees are presented on a shohin display stand. There was a Premna (Premna serratifolia), Japanese quince (Chaenomeles speciosa) Korean hornbeam (Carpinus turczaninowii), Trident maple (Acer buergerianum). A second Trident maple (Acer buergerianum) over rock with a snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) accent. The trees were a… Read more »
Graham Walker at our show
Grahams shohin display was a six-tree display with a Juniper (Juniper itoigawa) in a Klika pot on the top of the shohin display case and a collection of 4 broadleaf winter image shohin bonsai below. These were a Privet (Ligustrum) in a Klika pot, a Cork Bark Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia) in a Bigei pot, a… Read more »
Simon Haddon mame display at our show
Simons display was exceptional, it has some many little interesting facets it captured the attention of many and also the imagination. The tiny bronzes were a delight with the snail and the frog. His frog pot was also great and looked fabulous set above the root stand. Simon also was a trader at our show selling his hand made beautifully… Read more »
Solent Bonsai Club
Solent Bonsai Club put on three tree display with a Larch group in the centre and hopefully you all spotted the snail at the back of the stand behind the Pine. Also check out the boxing hare bronze on the moss mound in a stunning pot.
Surrey Heath Bonsai Society
Surry Heath Bonsai Society put forward a slightly different bonsai display this year combining three elements into the display. They had a shohin display along side a Blackthorn tree in flower set within a white circle frame and a chuhin display on the right hand side.
Glynderi Bonsai Club
Glynderi Bonsai Club is a very well established bonsai club and they put forward an amazing collection of Larch this year for their display at Swindon Winter Image Show. It takes a lot of confidence to do a single species display but they have a great collection of different larch styles and sizes to make… Read more »
Newbury Bonsai Society
This years Newbury Bonsai Society display was put together by Dave Cleveland, Sally May and Mark Kerry. There were four main trees on the display with accompanying accents.
Aka Matsu School of Bonsai
Aka Matsu School of Bonsai was the overall winner of the visiting clubs and societies display this year at our show so thank you to Jim Butterworth and Bryan S and all the team for a great display.
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