The Wiltshire Branch of the British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS) hosted their annual show this weekend in Melksham and it was a great success. I was fortunate to win the two classes I entered with my Fockea edulis and Plectranthus ernstii and there were so many wonderful and diverse species of cacti and succulent… Read more »
Posts Tagged: plants
Inspiration @ Singapore Botanic Gardens
The gardens were established in 1859 by the Agri-Horticultural society, and the Singapore Botanic Garden (SBG) was originally designed by Lawrence Niven. It continues to this day to be a regional centre for plant science, research and conservation in Southeast Asia. Plus is instrumental in the greening and transformation of Singapore into a Garden City… Read more »
BCSS Cacti and Succulent Annual Show 2017 (Wiltshire Branch)
What a diverse range of plants under one roof, such a collection was phenomenal to see. It was a fun show with a lot of interest in cacti and succulents from everyone who came along to the annual British Cactus and Succulent Society Show Wiltshire Branch at Melksham Assembly Halls on Saturday 24th June 2017.
Cacti and Succulents @Chelsea Flower Show
This was one amazing Cacti display which won a Gold for Southfield Nurseries and a well deserved one at this. It was blooming beyond anything I have seen before and incredible with the diversity of colour and cacti present, congratulations. A general theme throughout Chelsea Flower Show this year was that of cacti and succulents,… Read more »
Inside the Pavilion @Chelsea Flower Show
This year the vibrancy and variation of plants on display in the Pavilion was exceptional and anyone visiting now only got a colourful array to feast the eyes on but also the scents from all the plants was exquisite. Below are a few images from the show for your enjoyment.
Mark Follon fissured pots
Have you seen Mark Follons fissured pots? I came across these pots recently on the British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS) Facebook page, and they are stunning. So much fun in such a pot, which is very versatile in use for all plants. Thinking about getting one or two for bonsai accents or may be even… Read more »
Accents @ Bonsai with Love
There was a stunning display of accents at Bonsai with Love, and some very interesting styles, designs and species of plants used as accents too. The pots were also amazing, so many brightly coloured and wonderful designs it was hard to choose a favourite. Check out some of the accents from the show below. For… Read more »
Floral delights @ Chelsea 2016
This year was another excellent year not just for bonsai but for all the gardens, floral displays and plants. It was great fun to explore the grounds and find such colourful and beautiful designs all around. Here are a few things that caught my eye.
Transformational Nature
This week there was an exceptional seminar held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew entitled ‘Transformational Nature, unlocking the secrets of natural form, plant intelligence and the ageing process’. The Treework Seminar 21 is part of a series of seminars run by Neville Fay of Treework Environmental Practice and they are well worth attending. Tony Kirkham,… Read more »
Ray Broughton talk on pests and diseases
Tonight we had a brilliant talk on pests and diseases by Ray Broughton, who is a horticultural scientist and lecturer with over 30 years experience. It was a very informative evening and here are a few notes from his talk which covered so many areas and although not specifically bonsai there were some very useful… Read more »
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