Stourbridge bonsai society’s show is potentially one of the last bonsai shows of this year on Sunday 17th November 2019. So if you still want to get out and see bonsai then it is well worth a visit and you can also stock up on bonsai pots in preparation for your re-potting or future bonsai display pots as Dragonfly Bonsai pots by Graham Simpson will be there again for the third time now.

The Stourbridge society is a ‘small but perfectly formed’ show. They really work as a team to present a well curated display. They also host South Staffs as a visiting society.
The Bonded warehouse is an interesting venue too, being an old customs house over the canal. Easy parking and always has good catering available.
This year sees the return of Steve Tolley. Who will be styling a bonsai from yamadori material. This is a good opportunity to ask Steve any questions as he works.
I’ll be showing my latest work. The quiet setting gives you chance to think about what pots or accent items you may need for any displays planned next for year.
Recent accent pot developments
It’s never easy to decide at a busy show, which way did the accent need to face? It also gives excellent opportunity to discuss possible commission work, without any obligation of course.
I can’t recommend the show highly enough. Hope to see many of you there- the show seasons not quite over yet.
Graham Simpson of Dragonfly Bonsai pots and in the meantime, have a look at my Instagram@dragonflybonsaipots
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