Tonight the focus was all about accents, and everyone bought in a good selection of accents for discussion and one or two club members made up some accents on the night too. Paul had also bought some spare accent plants for anyone who wanted some to have a go at making their own plus some small pots for sale. He also had some used bonsai pots that had been donated by a previous club member for anyone wanting a bonsai pot or ceramic tray. We had a Cacti and Succulent display from the Chairman, Derek May of the Wiltshire Branch of the British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS) too which was excellent. He was on hand to answer everyone’s questions about cacti and succulents and the forthcoming show this weekend in Melksham.
Gallery of Accents
A wide variety of plants can be used as accents including succulents, ferns, cacti, grasses, creepers, miniature roses, bulbs, moss, and bamboo as a few examples and they can be planted in a pot, on a log or a piece of slate, the ideas are endless.
Cacti and Succulent display
Derek put on small cacti and succulent display ahead of the forthcoming Wiltshire Branch Cacti and Succulent show this weekend on the 18th of June at Melksham Assembly hall for anyone who might have an interest in a plant-related hobby.
The Next Swindon Winter Image Show 2023
The meeting also allowed for a catch-up about the planned next Swindon Winter Image Show with the date now confirmed as the 19th of February 2023 and a show sub committee has been formed of Paul, Reg and Bob to select the invited exhibitors, traders and clubs to attend and start organising the show.
Tree of the month
Each month Graham tots up the results of the tree of the month votes and Derek does the photography; tonight we had six entries and details will be in a separate post. Throughout the evening once all the entries are on the table with a label stating the owner and what they are species-wise, club members can go and vote for their favourite top three trees. It is a good opportunity for club members to discuss the merits of each tree and look for ideas for developing their own bonsai trees as well.
General pruning and discussion
As with every club night, it is an opportunity for club members to work on their own bonsai trees throughout the evening and Tony, Robert, Geoff, Robert, Mandy, and Nick to name a few club members were all working hard pruning and styling their trees tonight alongside conversations around accent plantings, use of accents, and the best species of tree for a beginner wanting to start with an indoor bonsai.
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