With the Swindon and District Bonsai Society ‘Winter Image’ Show 2024 just around the corner on Sunday 11th of February 2024, here are the Exhibitor’s Judging Notes.
To avoid issues as raised from exhibitors/Public/club members/et al in the past, with respect to judging at our previous shows, these notes are intended as a guide to our judging procedure for the 2024 event.
All Exhibitors have been allocated a space for their display and marked by the organisers. Judging will take into account all aspects of that space (display) presented i.e. scroll, accent, stand & tree. When an individual table display is given an award, it is not eligible for a further award. [Except best accent]
Awards will be made for:-
- Best Visiting club/society display.
- Best Deciduous bonsai display.
- Best Evergreen bonsai display.
- Best Shohin display.
- Best Tree/Pot combination Award sponsored by Walsall Ceramics.
- Best Accent, Sponsored and judged by John Trott, Mendip Bonsai Studio.
The judge for 2024, is Dan Barton. He will judge all the displays and give the award in the above categories, except Best Accent as noted above. The judge’s decision is final.
As the awards are for the whole display, the only size classification is the shohin. [approx 20cm]
Merit Awards will be made to Swindon Society Members and also Invited Exhibitors.
This will be decided on by two senior Swindon Society members who aren’t exhibiting.
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