Why? Bonsai are completely reliant on us for their nutrients to help them photosynthesise, most good free draining potting mixtures are inert and do not provide nutrients for the tree mediums such as Akadama are not able to retain nutrients for long and so frequent feeding is required. If you want your bonsai to grow… Read more »
Posts Tagged: buds
Bonsai in April
Spring has now sprung and hopefully all your bonsai trees have come through the winter. Here is a quick generic guide to bonsai in April but for individual species check out some of the other species-specific posts.
Bonsai pot colour guide
In general there are a few rules when it comes to pot colour selection that are based around aesthetics in order that your bonsai trees are displayed to their advantage.
Bonsai in Spring
This is a fabulous time of year as it is the time when your deciduous trees start to push leaves and all trees start to increase their productivity after winter dormancy. Prior to the full onset of Spring repotting should have taken place to root prune the trees and check the composition of the soil… Read more »
Sexual expression of bonsai trees
The sexual expression of flowering plants is an interesting one, and often I am caught referring to a tree as a him or her and in some cases this is correct as there are distinct male and female trees for some species but also there are a few variations to consider.
Prunus Mume (Japanese Apricot)
Prunus mume (Japanese apricot or Chinese Plum) is often over looked, not just as a bonsai but as a plant or tree in the UK. This is one of my favourite times of year. The annual winter show has been and gone and everyone is busy repotting for the upcoming season. This is a frantic… Read more »
Malcom Hughes talks on Maples
Malcom Hughes gave a very informative talk for our club night and I managed to gleen 10 pages of notes from the talk and here is a summary of the main points that were discussed regarding maples.
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