Tony presented an English hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), which was collected 5 years ago, and it was in a Troll pot. Set alongside an accent also within a dragon Troll pot made by Tony.
Posts Tagged: chuhin
Terry Adams club member displays
Terry had a series of trees in this years Winter Image Show including a White Pine (Pinus parviflora Zuisho) which was imported in 2007 and in a Chinese pot and Terry has owned and developed this tree for 11 years.
Clive Knight club member display
Clive who is a more recent member of Swindon and also the Chairman of Warminster Bonsai put on a display with his Korean Hornbeam (Carpinusturczaninowii) which he has been developing for the past year. It was in a Japanese pot, accompanied by a scroll and accent.
Reg Bolton club member display
This year Reg had two trees on display; they were an English Elm (Ulmus procera) which he collected 21 years ago and in a Walsall ceramics pot. The density of the fine branches provides a very highly ramified crown which Reg has worked hard to develop through time and technique. It is great to see an… Read more »
Clive Harber club member display
Clive was exhibiting his Korean Hornbeam (Carpinus turczaninowii) this year at the show as a club member of Swindon. He has owned this tree since 2007 and it was originally bought from a bonsai trader and is now in a Japanese pot.
Paul Bowerbank club member display
Paul displayed a Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia), which was just starting to show the fresh green shoots of spring. It was complimented by an accent of a Davallia fern or deersfoot, hare’s foot or rabbits foot fern.
Stewart Beresford at our show
Stewart this year presented a very neat shohin display made up of four fantastic trees and a tiny fern accent. The display was beautiful, clean and simple and well balanced with some very high quality bonsai trees to enjoy up close and set on a wonderful root stand and within a delicate shohin display stand.
Andy Hardman at our show
Andy’s shohin display was a three-tree display with two accompanying accents. It presented a light and well-balanced image with good levels of diversity and interest with a flowering Cherry (Prunus incisa kojo-no-mai) in full bloom on a delicate cascade stand. With the Juniper (Juniperus) and Elm (Ulmus) were Grape hyacinths (Muscari).
Alan Redford club member display
This year was the first year for Alan to put on a bonsai display as a club member and he presented his Japanese larch (larix kaempferi). He has grown it from seed for the past 15 years and it is in a brown slipware pot. To accompany the larch was an English Elm, which he has grown… Read more »
Dennis Henley club member display
Dennis is one of Swindons long standing club members and he presented a superb Elm tree, which was in a Walsall ceramics pot. He has been working with this tree for 25 years and it has some excellent ramification. He also set up a collection of his Elms with some hand made wooden accent holders, which were very unique.
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