This is the time of year you will find out if you have any soil borne problems with your bonsai trees. The time for repotting is from around October through to March for broadleaves and into April for evergreens. Tropical bonsai are generally repotted when it is slightly warmer so later in the Spring but… Read more »
Posts Tagged: roots
Ginkgo roots
Last year I added a large pumice drainage layer to the bottom of my bonsai pot, to see what difference it would make to the root development of some of the Ginkgo bonsai trees. The soil mix used was medium to small graded Akadama with 25% Kiryu, mixed in with a layer of large pumice… Read more »
Eelworms or Nematodes
What are eelworms, well they also called nematodes and are mostly microscopic worm like animals and some are significant plant pests. They are very species specific so you find a certain type of eelworm on one particular species, but those that are considered a pest have one thing in common they feed on the host… Read more »
Hong Kong tree roots
Tree roots are fascinating things and there was no better place to see the diversity of tree roots than amongst the streets of Hong Kong. Roots are the anchorage for the above ground element of the tree and they search out water and nutrients. If you are looking for inspiration for your bonsai artistry then… Read more »
Air Layering
A guest submission here from Mr Ivan Oxford, who has had good success with air layering and wants to explain the procedure;
Repotting Bonsai
Repotting season for the majority of tree species is at an end and here are a few examples of some of the bonsai trees that have been repotted this year showing the variation in root type plus root development on each tree.
Evaluating a bonsai display
When assessing bonsai trees whether to judge, buy or just reviewing your own, to develop them or set up a display there are a range of criteria that can be considered. Some may be conflictual and there may be many rules, but some rules are always meant to be bent a little or broken.
Bonsai tree tropisms
A few explanations for why trees grow the way they do… and how this can be good to know when developing your bonsai tree’s…
Bonsai tree physiology
There are three main components to tree physiology and they are the roots, the trunk and the crown and here is a brief guide in the context of bonsai trees which are only a scaled down version of a regular tree. Any tree or shrub or plant can be used for bonsai but some work… Read more »
Bonsai Roots Show 2013
Newbury and District Bonsai Society present the Bonsai Roots Show, Sunday 7th July in Hermitage, Berkshire.
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