Kit Bowns for the last few years has hand carved a root stand for this award in memory of his good friend Arihato. The lucky winner of this award this year was Beryl Thorpe for her Chinese Elm, which was an air layer originally.
Posts categorised: Winter Show
Best tree/pot combo won by John Pitt
A well-deserved award for John Pitt for the Best Tree / Pot combination especially as his Mugo Pine (Pinus mugo ‘Pumilio’) was in a John Pitt hand crafted pot. Thank you also to Walsall Studio Ceramics for sponsoring this award.
Best Mame display won by Ritta Cooper
This year heralded the return of the Mame category and award and congratulations to Ritta Cooper for winning this award. There were so many great mame displays but Ritta’s collection of mame trees was sublime and the overall display worked perfectly together.
Best Overall display for John Pitt
Congratulations to John Pitt for winning the Best Overall display with his combination of a Mugo Pine and Chinese Elm, a wonderful high quality bonsai display.
Best Club display for Aka Matsu School of Bonsai
Congratulations to the Bonsai Club of Aka Matsu School of Bonsai for your award winning Best Club display as superb collection of trees on display this year at our show, well done.
Best Shohin display Award for Andy Jordan
Congratulations to Andy Jordan with his awesome collection of shohin trees and the harmonious composition and attention to detail of his award winning display.
Best Conifer went to John Pitt
Well done John Pitt for winning the Best Conifer / Evergreen award for your Mugo Pine, a great achievement and a stunning example of a Pinus mugo ‘Pumilio’.
Best Chuhin award for Mark and Ritta Cooper
Congratulations to Mark and Ritta Cooper for winning the Best Chuhin category with their Mountain Maple (Acer palmatum), which was originally from Japan, and they have owned now for 5 years and it is in a Gyozan pot.
Best deciduous award for Jim Butterworth
Congratulations to Jim Butterworth for winning the Best Deciduous category with his Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) that was on the Aka Matsu club display.
The take down after our show
This was fast and furious to say the least and all done by 5.30pm only an hour after the show had finished. Many hands make light work, and it was so true in this instance.
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