Posts categorised: Winter Show

British Shohin Association @ Our Winter Show

As part of our 10th Anniversary year celebrations, The Swindon & District Bonsai Society are pleased to announce that at our Winter Image show, to be held on the 19th February 2012, will feature an exciting new exhibit Section.

Bonsai Focus

Rene Rooswinkel of Bonsai Focus has kindly donated two prizes for the raffle at our forth coming Winter Image Show on the 19th February 2012. They are a set of Japanese Bonsai magazines and a Japanese Bonsai photo book.

Erin Bonsai Pots

Wow! what a fantastic collection of pots. We’ve been in touch with Bonsai suppliers from across Europe trying to get some great prizes for you at our upcoming Winter Show.

Update on our Winter Show 2012

As part of our 10th Anniversary year celebrations, the Swindon & District Bonsai Society are pleased to announce that at our 2012 Winter Image show, to be held on the 19th February, will feature an exciting new exhibit Section. This special exhibit section of the show will be organised in conjunction with the British Shohin… Read more »