Thank you to Dan Barton of Esoteric pots for his offer of an award for the best innovative entry into the 2017 Swindon Winter Image Show on Sunday 26th February. Here is a post from Dan himself setting out the criteria for the judging of the award in addition to a picture of the award itself.
I will be offering a prize for what I deem to be the Best Innovative entry at the forthcoming Swindon Winter Image Show. The Entry that wins the Award may be anything from an Accent planting, a Bonsai or indeed an Overall Display. Originality and Quality of entry will be the primary criteria on which the judgement will be made.
If no entries meet this criterion then the Award will be carried over to next Year’s Event. I do hope we see some avant-garde ideas. The prize will be a piece of my ceramic work with its own touch of innovation (see attached picture above). External Size is: 37.5 x 30 x 6 cms.
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