Terry Adams started the hobby of bonsai in 1986 so has been doing bonsai for 31 years. His first ever bonsai tree was collected native seedlings.

His favorite tree species is Pine while his least favourite is Juniper and he owns some wonderful Japanese White Pines.

He enjoys working on Yew trees and has at least two stunning Yew trees in his collection.

He has a range of sizes of bonsai from mame through to large bonsai and manages to get the most out of all sizes. He is very focused on feeding and ensuring his trees are kept in good health and condition and continues to improve and develop them year on year.

In terms of style Terry likes to style his trees as real tree images from nature and gets a lot of his inspiration from nature and the countryside. He is a wealth of inspiration to club members also with his enthusiasm for the hobby as well as his observations of nature which he brings into his bonsai tree designs.

His collection is a mixture of self sown, collected material from the wild and a few bought trees and he has worked hard using various techniques to aid with bringing on his bonsai trees and improving the quality of the overall images presented with amazing results.

With regard to development Terry would like to continue to learn more about detailed ramification techniques but he has already mastered superb ramification on the majority of his trees due to his attention to detail.

Being creative is what Terry finds most enjoyable about the hobby of bonsai and it was his wife’s craft magazine, which started him off on his journey when he read an article on bonsai back in the 1980’s.