Bonsai was not hard to find in Singapore as greenery is dominant everywhere, plants adorn walls to create living green spaces, whole gardens are built within hotels and they have numerous plants and trees in pots within their foyers, it is superb. The climate in Singapore aids with this approach to urban greening as well as the investment in creating such stunning green spaces which are available for public enjoyment. During one of our visits to the Singapore Botanic Gardens we saw the bonsai collection which contained a vast array of different tropical bonsai tree species and my favourite, the Ficus.
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Ochna harmandii -Apricot tree (Ochnaceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Wrightia religiosa -Wild Water Plum ‘Sui Mei (Apocynaceae)
- Ficus microcarpa -Chinese Banyan (Moraceae)
- Pithecolobium flexicaule -Texas Ebony (Leguminosae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Wrightia religiosa -Wild Water Plum ‘Sui Mei (Apocynaceae)
- Ulmus parvifolia -Chinese Elm (Ulmaceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Wrightia religiosa -Wild Water Plum ‘Sui Mei (Apocynaceae)
- Wrightia religiosa -Wild Water Plum ‘Sui Mei (Apocynaceae)
- Wrightia religiosa -Wild Water Plum ‘Sui Mei (Apocynaceae)
- Triphasia trifolia – Lime Berry (Rutaceae)
- Wrightia religiosa -Wild Water Plum ‘Sui Mei (Apocynaceae)
- Wrightia religiosa -Wild Water Plum ‘Sui Mei (Apocynaceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Buxus sp – Boxwood (Buxaceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Limonia acidissima -Indian Wood Apple, Belinggai Gelinggai (Rutaceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Musa sp -Banana (Musaceae)
- Podocarpus sp (Podocarpaceae)
- Juniperus
- Celtis sinensis- Chinese Hackberry (Ulmaceae)
- Bougainvillea cv. (Nyctaginaceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Ficus sp (Moraceae)
- Bonsai at night
- Bonsai at night
- Bonsai at night
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