Andy Jordan

Here is the list of judges and a fine body of people with a huge experience in the hobby. 

1.   Steve McKee [Head judge]

2.   Mark Cooper

3.   Ritta Cooper

4.   Andy Jordan

5.   Bill Baker

6.   John Brocklehurst

7.   Paul Eslinger

8.   Andrew Hardman 

Steve McKee, head judge

The size limits for the award categories are: – 
Mame – approximately 10cm from soil surface 
Shohin –  approximately 20cm from soil surface
Chuhin – approximately 45cm maximum from soil surface (includes Kifu)

This year we will again be using a panel of judges, similar to the system used at several bonsai events. It will be made up of experienced growers in the list above. 

Bill Baker

Each judge will select 3 trees in each category. There is no need to select 1st, 2nd & 3rd, so the order is irrelevant. The results will then be aggregated out and details will be posted for all to see the voting and any comments that you have made.

Paul Eslinger


  • Set up of the exhibits should be completed by 09.30 – the show is open at 10.00 hrs [New time]
  • Judges meet up in corridor near the gym at 09.30
  • Public will be admitted at about 10 hrs
  • Please complete your judging as soon as possible, pass sheets to Derek 
Paul getting the judges ready, with Steve McKee and John Brocklehurst

The judging process, step by step:

  • Each judge will be given a set of result sheets on which to record their votes, and each Judge will personally sign their sheets please. All individual trees will be numbered. The shohin/mame display will have one number.
  • Each judge will have three equal votes to allocate per award category. All of the three votes mustbe allocated and recorded on the judging sheet. Judges cannot vote for their own trees
  • NB Each vote is of equal importance i.e. no first, second or third place vote, so the order in which votes are recorded is irrelevant.
  • Each judge is invited to comment on the judging forms, on the displays that they vote for; it is of great interest to the viewing public.
  • Please hand your result sheets to Derek when completed.  They will then aggregate all the votes cast per award and will then list all the winners on a separate results sheet. 
  • If the aggregated results indicate a tie between two or more displays/ trees then the Overall judge [Reg Bolton] and Head Judge [Steve KcKee] will be subsequently asked to select the winner.
  • We hope to display award notification cards and trophies by lunch time 
  • NB The results sheets will be posted in the hall for all to see.

The winning trees/displays will be identified by Temp Award cards and the main Awards will be presented later in the show [about 1400 hrs] and followed by the raffle.