Once again the Wiltshire Branch of the British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS) will be holding their annual show on the Saturday 15th June 2019 at the Melksham Assembly Hall, The Market Place, Melksham. SN12 6ES. The show opens at 11am until 3.30pm and it is £1 entry. We have been holding our show in… Read more »
Posts Tagged: BCSS
Wiltshire Branch Cacti and Succulent Show 2018
The Wiltshire Branch of the British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS) hosted their annual show this weekend in Melksham and it was a great success. I was fortunate to win the two classes I entered with my Fockea edulis and Plectranthus ernstii and there were so many wonderful and diverse species of cacti and succulent… Read more »
BCSS Cacti and Succulent Annual Show 2017 (Wiltshire Branch)
What a diverse range of plants under one roof, such a collection was phenomenal to see. It was a fun show with a lot of interest in cacti and succulents from everyone who came along to the annual British Cactus and Succulent Society Show Wiltshire Branch at Melksham Assembly Halls on Saturday 24th June 2017.
Cactus & Succulent Convention
Have you got your ticket and are you going to the British Cactus & Succulent Society Zone 9 Convention which is on Sunday 19th April 2015. It starts at 10:00am and finishes around 5:00pm. The event is hosted by the Wiltshire Branch at Hardwicke Village Hall, Green Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester. GL2 4QA.
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