Posts Tagged: February
February tree of the month
Where to see Bonsai in 2016 in the UK
If you are wanting to see bonsai this year, then have a look through the list of shows and events this year for the UK where you will see some stunning bonsai on display of all styles, shapes and sizes. There will also be opportunities at most of the events to buy bonsai and bonsai… Read more »
Accents @ our winter show
Here were some of the other accents at our Winter Image Show…
Stone Monkey raffle prize
Thank you to Andrew Pearson of Stone Monkey Ceramics for his donation of a wonderful raffle prize for this years raffle at the Swindon Winter Image Show on Sunday 22nd February 2015.
February meeting
Last chance to discuss the arrangements, the planning is in the details. We’ve been all out preparing the displays, backdrops and everything else that goes into making what we hope will be, another great show.
Bonsai in February
February in the Northern Hemisphere is still classed as winter and it is a difficult month to predict the weather especially as the mild then cold conditions seem to be prevailing. Here are some generic guidelines to what to do with your bonsai trees in February but this will vary somewhat with specific tree species.
Clubs & Societies confirmed
We’ve got some great clubs confirmed forĀ our next Winter Show. While we are on the subject, find your UK local bonsai society, or club here. Bristol Artistic Bonsai Circle Ashfield Dragon New Dawn Phoenix Splinter Group Solent Newbury Warminster Eastleigh Northern Suiseki
Suteki raffle prizes
Simon Haddon of Suteki has kindly donated a few accent pots to the Swindon Winter Image Show Raffle so get ready for a great weekend this weekend and hopefully win a raffle prize or two.
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