Hopefully all your bonsai trees are now being protected for the winter and here is a quick generic guide to bonsai in November as the colder weather has now arrived in the UK.
Posts Tagged: Feeding
Bonsai in April
Spring has now sprung and hopefully all your bonsai trees have come through the winter. Here is a quick generic guide to bonsai in April but for individual species check out some of the other species-specific posts.
Camellia as Bonsai
Camellia are another stunning flowering tree or shrub which make for an interesting bonsai for those who like flowering species. One of the most commonly used is Camellia japonica, however there are over 200 species of Camellia so a wide range to choose from.
Bonsai in March
Hopefully all your bonsai trees were protected over the winter and you are starting to look forward to the onset of Spring in the UK so here is a quick generic guide to bonsai in March.
Bonsai in February
February in the Northern Hemisphere is still classed as winter and it is a difficult month to predict the weather especially as the mild then cold conditions seem to be prevailing. Here are some generic guidelines to what to do with your bonsai trees in February but this will vary somewhat with specific tree species.
Pomegranate as Bonsai
Punica granatum is the Pomegranate. This is a semi deciduous tree which looses leaves if kept cool in winter. The tree is broadleaved. It has bright red flowers but some forms are white, pink or yellow and can have single or double flowers.
Bonsai in January
Hopefully all your bonsai trees are being protected for the winter and here is a quick generic guide to bonsai in January.
Are you feeding your bonsai tree?
It is now summer here in the UK, so hopefully you all have your feeding and watering regimes in place for your bonsai tree(s). It is important to feed because
Bonsai in Spring
This is a fabulous time of year as it is the time when your deciduous trees start to push leaves and all trees start to increase their productivity after winter dormancy. Prior to the full onset of Spring repotting should have taken place to root prune the trees and check the composition of the soil… Read more »
Malcom Hughes talks on Maples
Malcom Hughes gave a very informative talk for our club night and I managed to gleen 10 pages of notes from the talk and here is a summary of the main points that were discussed regarding maples.
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