Punica granatum is the Pomegranate. This is a semi deciduous tree which looses leaves if kept cool in winter. The tree is broadleaved. It has bright red flowers but some forms are white, pink or yellow and can have single or double flowers. It flowers in late spring and early summer. Fruits seldom form in cooler climates like UK. It originates from Mediterranean areas plus India and Southern China. Sub tropical species. Leaves are medium green, thin and shiny.

Pomegranates belong to the Punicaceae family which is a small genus of 2 species and Punica granatum is the only species in cultivation. Leaves are coppery when young and turn yellow in autumn. They look spectacular in late summer and early autumn when carrying its funnel shaped flowers which have crumpled petals. Fruits require long hot summers to ripen.

- ‘Albo-pleno‘- Flowers are double and creamy white and young leaves are green
- ‘Multiplex‘
- ‘Nana‘- Charming dwarf form with narrow leaves usually used for bonsai with orange scarlet flowers in September and October
- ‘Rubrum Flore Pleno‘ – showy form with double orange red flowers
- Prune in winter when dormant for Pomegranates generally
- Remove a little of old unproductive wood to encourage new growth annually and new fruiting growth opportunities
- Tolerate pruning to restrict size but have tendancy to sucker from base
- New growth to be shortened back to two sets of leaves whenever it lengthens beyond 3-4 sets of leaves
- Shorter blob tipped shoots are those carrying embryonic flowers so do not prune these off
- Pomegranates are very bushy so thin out every 2 months when in growth
- Cut heavier branches in mid-summer
- If you want flowers allow the branches to elongate longer than normal to flower and they usually appear on the growth tips
- Prune back hard after flowering

- Early spring but watch for bud movement and be guided by the tree
- Avoid heavy root chopping
- Repot every 2 years and repot based on root ball observation
- Keep in deep pot to encourage flowering
Best styles for bonsai
- Informal
- Leaning
- Semi-cascade
- Twin trunk
- Cluster group
- Shohin
- Ample water, increase amounts after flowering
- Little water required during winter
- Mist and spray during summer
- Does not like to sit in water or be waterlogged

- Feed generously and weekly up to the flowering time, but reduce during flowering

- Mid season for wiring but use covers over wires as prone to marking bark
- Do not wire during flowering season
- Wire young shoots only as older branches can be brittle and break

Pests and diseases
- Aphids
- White fly
- Red spider mite
- Mildew
- Chlorosis
- Full sun but needs winter protection
- Do not allow to go below 3 degrees and up to 20 degrees but if too warm leggy growth
- Requires high level of sunshine
- Avoid frosts
- Propagate from taking cuttings or by seed
Further information
- Check out a previous post on the Pomegranate by Terry Adams who has grown one from seed.
Sources of information
Author | Date | Title | Publisher | ISBN |
Adams, Peter | 1991 | Successful Bonsai Growing | Ward Lock | 0-7063-7040-6 |
Adams, Peter | 1993 | Successful Bonsai Shaping | Ward Lock | 0-7063-7138-0 |
Ainsworth, John | 1988 | The art of indoor bonsai, cultivating tropical, sub tropical and tender bonsai | Ward Lock | 0-7063-6704-9 |
Albex, Morten | 2007 | Majesty in miniature Shohin Bonsai unlocking the secrets of small trees | Stone Lantern Publishing | 978-0-9767550-6-7 |
Benz, Willi | 2002 | Bonsai Kusamono Suiseki A Practical Guide for Organizing Displays with Plants and Stones | Willi Benz | 3-00-009322-2 |
Bricknell, Christopher & Joyce, David | 1996 | The Royal Horticultural Society Pruning & Training A fully inustrated Plant-by Plant Manual | Dorling Kindersley | 0-7513-0207-4 |
Brown, George E | 2004 | The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers | Timber Press | 0-88192-613-2 |
Buczacki, Stefan | 1998 | Best Pruning | Hamlyn | 0-600-59022-4 |
Coussin, Craig | 2007 | The handbook of bonsai | D&S Books Ltd | 1-903327-54-7 |
Giorgi, Gianfranco | 1990 | Guide to Bonsai | Imon & Schuster Inc | 0-671-73488-1 |
Hillier, John & Coombes, Allen | 1972 | The Hillier Manual of Trees & Shrubs | David & Charles | 978-0-7153-2664-0 |
Kobayashi, Norio | 1962 | Bonsai-Miniature potted trees | Japan Travel Bureau | |
Kramer, Fay | 1973 | Bonsai Miniatures Quick & Easy | Shufunotomo co Ltd | 07-975322-5 |
Lesniewicz, Paul | 1985 | Indoor Bonsai | Cassell & Co | 0-7137-1700-9 |
Norman, Ken | 2005 | The complete practical encyclopedia of bonsai The essential step-by-step guide to creating, growing and displaying bonsai with over 800 photographs | Hermes House | 978-1-84477-899-7 |
Tomlinson, Harry | 1990 | The Complete book of bonsai A practical guide to the art of cultivation of bonsai | Dorling Kindersley | 0-86318-484-7 |
Yashiroda, Kan | 1960 | Japanese Miniature trees their style, cultivation & training | Faber and Faber |
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