Posts Tagged: Gérald Boutel

Ikebana @ Bonsai Exposition 2016

Ikebana, floral displays and points of interest from the Bonsai Exposition in France. There were some extra elements of interest around the whole show with small corner displays, and the central stage had a large display of Japanese items.

Orchids @ Bonsai Exposition 2016

There were some stunning Orchids at the Bonsai Exposition in France and the overall display was a floral delight. Here are some of the orchids that were on display.

Show winners @ Bonsai Exposition 2016

As part of the Bonsai Exposition, the trees were judged and here are the award winners from the show. Congratulations to all who entered and also it was good to see some many trees on display.

Bonsai @ Bonsai Exposition 2016

The main show trees at the exposition were of a range of styles, species and displays including shohin, mame, chuhin and some very large bonsai too.

Bonsai Exposition 2016

The Exposition Bonsai at Neuville-saint-Rémy in Cambrai in France was held on the 16th and 17th April 2016. It had changed venue since the last time we went in 2014 and this venue was a much larger hall with excellent space and lighting to host a bonsai show.

Bonsai Stands available from Gérald Boutel

If you wanted a Bonsai stand then you needed to look no further at the Exposition de Bonsai in France as Gérald Boutel had a wide selection of bonsai stands for sale at very good prices. He can be contacted via e-mail at for any enquiries.