Posts categorised: General Interest

Root over rock styles

Recently there have been some fabulous examples of root over rock styles at bonsai shows throughout the UK and some excellent examples were present at Heathrow bonsai show this month. This technique of planting the bonsai over a rock or even clinging to a rock is not an easyone to perfect and to be convincing

Can you smell your Katsura tree?

One of the most remarkable aspects of this tree, the Katsura is around now for all to smell, it is the wonderful onset of autumn colour and smell which sets the taste buds alight. The leaves as they go into senescence (autumn colour) emit a fabulous scent which is described as that of

Niwaki! Pine Workshop part II

It was over to Jake Hobson for another Niwaki session today. This was the second of the two-part training programme, following up by working on trees we had decandled earlier on in May this year.

Taiwan Fig problems

In June this year I noticed that the leaves on one of my Taiwan Figs were going yellow and usually this is part of the normal process of leaf shedding and renewal so I wasn’t overly alarmed at first. However, I began to notice that this was happening in greater quantities than normal and across… Read more »

Might of mites

Elm gall mite is a common problem and none so more than on our bonsai Elm trees where it can be more than just an aesthetic problem. Identification of this mite is fairly easy as hard pale swellings containing microscopic mites


We recently received an email from Bonsai Techno, based out of Tokyo looking to expand their network. They are mostly concerned with constructing modern bonsai. Having looked at the site I could not simply leave it at placing a URL on our Links page as the site is both beautifully crafted and contains some fantastic… Read more »

Baobab tree as bonsai

I have recently come across yet another fascinating book by Thomas Pakenham on the most remarkable Baobab tree and for all those who have an interest in trees, this is one very special tree. It is a living monument,

Propping trees

The Japanese approach to nature is awe inspiring particularly in the way that they manage and prune trees. It allows for the creation of visual imagery that is unsurpassed in designed western landscapes today. One of the most intriguing techniques observed during a trip to Japan,

Niwaki! Pine Workshop part I

Recently Amelia and I joined Jake Hobson, acclaimed author of ‘Niwaki’ for the part one workshop on two-needled pines. The workshops comprised of two days, one in spring the other in autumn, are focused on pine maintenance. This spring workshop looked essentially