Conifers Class 4 and 1st place went to Bill Baker with his Scots Pine and this was also Best in Show

Conifers Class 4 and 1st place went to Bill Baker with his Scots Pine and this was also Best in Show

Conifer Class 4, and this is for all species of bonsai trees that are defined as conifers and a well known definition is a tree ‘which bears cones and needle-like or scale-like leaves that are typically evergreen’ however this is not the whole picture in classification terms.

Here is a diagram showing the main taxonomy of Conifers and it also includes within it Ginkgophyta which are in fact a deciduous conifer but are still part of the Gymnosperm classification.

Conifers Class 4 and 2nd place went to T. Banbury with his Scots Pine

Conifers Class 4 and 2nd place went to T. Banbury with his Scots Pine

Conifers Class 4 and 3rd place went to Tony Webber with his White Pine

Conifers Class 4 and 3rd place went to Tony Webber with his White Pine

Flowering and Fruiting was the order for Class 5 and the main trees in flower at present include Hawthorn, Laburnum, Pyracantha, Lilac, Weigela, Styrax and Cotoneaster. These trees are known as Angiosperms that are seed-producing flowering plants whose seeds are enclosed within an ovary whilst Gymnosperms are seed-producing non-flowering plants whose seeds are unenclosed or “naked.”

Here are the winners from class 5.

Flowering Class 5 and 1st place went to Bill Baker with his flowering Hawthorn

Flowering Class 5 and 1st place went to Bill Baker with his flowering Hawthorn

Flowering Class 5 and 2nd place went to Tony Oswin with his flowering Cotoneaster

Flowering Class 5 and 2nd place went to Tony Oswin with his flowering Cotoneaster

Flowering Class 5 and 3rd place went to Tim Shannon with his flowering Hawthorn

Flowering Class 5 and 3rd place went to Tim Shannon with his flowering Hawthorn