The build up to Chelsea is months of preparation with making the stand and all the elements of the display followed then by a very busy three days building the display up at Chelsea. Reg Bolton of Swindon and District Bonsai Society and his team of supporters aid with this process and here are some of the images of the build provided by Graham Stubbs.
Andy Jordan was part of the team and he also posted a very good article about the build up on the his website, Andys Shohin Bonsai.
Once all the stand is made it then is then transported up to Chelsea by Reg and the team and it takes around 3 or more journeys to get all the elements to the show grounds which is no mean feat.
Transporting the trees is a delicate business and therefore extra care is taken to ensure they all arrive in a healthy state. There are many things that could go wrong so Reg keeps an eye on the whole process to ensure with his years of experience that things run smoothly.
Over the years the stand design has changed subtly to suit the setting as well as based on feedback from the RHS judges and to continue to improve the overall display aesthetic.
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