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Posts Tagged: Image
Clubs & Societies confirmed
We’ve got some great clubs confirmed for our next Winter Show. While we are on the subject, find your UK local bonsai society, or club here. Bristol Artistic Bonsai Circle Ashfield Dragon New Dawn Phoenix Splinter Group Solent Newbury Warminster Eastleigh Northern Suiseki
Self styled Bonsai
Self styled bonsai is for the majority where the rewards are in creating and designing a bonsai tree in an image that represents to you all that is bonsai but it can take time and patience to create the image you want.
Confirmed for our Winter Show
Individuals John Pitt Ian Stewardson Tony Tickle Graham Simpson Simon Temblett Martin Shepherd Dave Jackson Steve Tolley Paul Eslinger Groups Classical Bonsai Circle Artistic Bonsai Ashfield Dragon Newbury New Dawn Phoenix Solent Splinter Group Warminster Wirral Wessex South Staffs Sussex Shohin Association Traders John Pitt Windybank Dave Jones Dai-ichi Paul Goff Chris Thomas John Trott… Read more »
Pomegranate ‘Punica granatum’
Back in 1989, I was reading book on growing exotic fruits; I was eating a Pomegranate at the time and decided to have a go with some of the seeds. Following the book’s instructions the seeds were put on a plate and left on a windowsill to go mouldy. They were then planted and put… Read more »
Pictures from the 2011 ‘Winter Image’ Show
The tree awards were sponsored by Dai-ichi bonsai, Newbury & Redditch & were presented by Tony Tickle. About 350 people attended this wonderful display. We hope that everyone enjoyed it.
2011 Swindon Winter Show
2010 Swindon Winter Show
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