Tonight was all about wiring and Mark Kerry did a talk on the principles of wiring followed by one-to-one guidance on wiring specific club members’ trees to aid with their own wiring.
Posts Tagged: shaping
John Armitage workshop 2018
A fun day was had by all at the workshop with John Armitage. We all bought in lots of trees to work on and get help and advice from John on styling, development, pruning and much more. Below are a few images from the day. Well worth attending the full day workshops as you can… Read more »
Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai workshop
This weekend was the Saturday workshop with Lee Verhorevoort from Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai and this was an ideal opportunity for all club members to get professional advice from Lee and get pruning and style tips and guidance on your own bonsai trees. Lee spent the entire day working around the room on everyone’s bonsai trees. He spent time… Read more »
Niwaki workshop Topiary course with Jake Hobson
Our first experience of Niwaki, at a workshop in Tendercare nurseries, Denham, Uxbridge Jake Hobson demonstrated how to start styling a container grown Scots pine from scratch into a Niwaki with
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