Posts categorised: Club Meetings
Pruning frenzy @ our club night
Tonights club night was a buzz with pruning, everyone bought in their bonsai trees to work on and there was a hive of activity and discussion throughout the evening on pruning techniques, styling and how everyone was coping with keeping up watering in this heat wave.
July tree of the month
June tree of the month
Join us at Swindon Bonsai Club
If you are looking to join Swindon Bonsai Club then here are the details for the cost of the annual subscription and what you get for being a member. It is a great hobby and by becoming a member this is a good way to share knowledge and information by being part of a bonsai… Read more »
February tree of the month
January tree of the month
Christmas Club Night
Our club night this year had a very festive feel to the evening and we had many well dressed Christmas bonsai trees, a good supply of food and party games including a festive quiz. Thank you to everyone who came along and especially to Graham, Reg and Paul and Moira for organising the quiz and… Read more »
Swindon bonsai pots
Following on from the very successful day of bonsai pot making in July this year with David Jones of Walsall Studio Ceramics here are our pots. We are pleased as punch with them and they all came out of the kiln in one piece and are now ready for planting up.
Decorated tree competition
A change from the usual at the club this year; we held a December meeting and invited members to decorate their bonsai trees with Christmas decorations. The response was amazing, we had to bring out additional tables to fit the record number of entries on! Our members fully got into the swing of Christmas.
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