Posts categorised: Club Meetings
January tree of the month
Club meet
The first workshop of a new year. This is the time do essential winter maintenance on bonsai. Removing non-required wire takes time. Structure pruning as an ideal time to see any less desirable branches. I guess you could call it a winter check-up.
Christmas get-together
This year we decided to have another Christmas meeting, more under the pretext of getting together for some food and a chat, than a conventional meeting.
November tree of the month
Potty over bonsai pot making pottery workshop
This year Dave Jones of Walsall Studio Ceramics came down to run a pottery workshop at Swindon Bonsai Club, hosted by Reg Bolton. A great day was had by all and we now await the finished pots later in the year.
September tree of the month
August tree of the month
Azaleas with Paul Eslinger
Great club night last night with guest speaker Paul Eslinger who came to talk on Azaleas. Our club members also brought in their Azalea bonsai to get some hands on advice from Paul about how to develop them further.
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