Posts categorised: Club Meetings

Wiring tonight

Tonight was all about wiring and Mark Kerry did a talk on the principles of wiring followed by one-to-one guidance on wiring specific club members’ trees to aid with their own wiring.

October Club Night

Tonight was another excellent lively discuss filled club night with lots of new members and new trees to talk about. Everyone was working on or discussing their bonsai trees and a lot of shared knowledge and information was being passed on.

September Club night – Problem trees

Tonight the session was focused on discussing those trees that club members have no idea how to style or were in need of advice on, as everyone has had one of those bonsai trees at some stage in their bonsai hobby. It was a good evening with lots of discussion on a wide variety of… Read more »

Accents @Club night

Tonight the focus was all about accents, and everyone bought in a good selection of accents for discussion and one or two club members made up some accents on the night too. Paul had also bought some spare accent plants for anyone who wanted some to have a go at making their own plus some… Read more »