Posts categorised: Club Meetings

Air layering @Club Night

Tonight we had a short presentation by Amelia on air layering then anyone who wanted could have a chance to practice their air layering with the air layering kits Amelia provided. Air layering stimulates the production of aerial roots which form in a moist environment as a response to the damage to the cells around… Read more »

Japanese Black Pine April Club Night talk with Andy

Tonight we had a talk on Japanese Black Pine by Andy, our new Vice Chairman and everyone who attended found it really interesting and useful. Andy started by explaining the different types of pines and how his talk was to focus on the two needles predominately which Japanese Black Pines are within. He went on… Read more »

March club night trees

There was no tree of the month competition in our March meeting. We had an annual general meeting. That didn’t stop our members from bringing in and displaying some trees anyway. Here are the pictures. This truly is my favourite time of year for looking at bonsai.

Festive meeting

Our December meeting had a Christmas theme. We held a decorate your bonsai tree, instead of our usual tree of the month competition. Of course, we still held a competition for the best decorated tree using our in-house voting system.