Another successful bonsai trip to Holland to Hoka-en Bonsai studio aka Lodder Bonsai BV. We were warmly greeted by Gerrit Lodder who took time out to show us various fabulous bonsai trees and catch up since our visit last year. This year was as good as previous if not better as the breadth of tree species was incredible. You can see the full A- Z of bonsai all under one roof.

We as usual spent many hours, well days deliberating and selecting trees then putting those back and re-selecting- not that we are indecisive or anything but the choice is staggering. We try to identify species we want before going but end up with a totally different outcome as there is always something unique or unusual that catches your eye.

Whether you are a beginner to the hobby or a dedicated bonsai hobbyist there is something for you. They have a great selection of both tropical (indoor) trees as well as outdoor bonsai. The prices are very competitive and something to suit any budget as well as any style, shape, size and form.

It is an ideal place to visit as you can not only buy a bonsai tree but get everything you will ever need to maintain it from pots to soils, tools, feed, and advice on how to care for it and prune it.

Mr Gerrit Lodder has also extended his range of all things to do with Japanese gardens and if you need stunning garden (Niwaki) trees, bamboo fencing, lanterns or Acers get in touch with him or visit to find exactly what you need.

So if you have a day or two to spare take a short break and visit Lodder Bonsai in Holland to buy your first or next gorgeous bonsai or even just to window shop to see good examples of bonsai.

Here is a brief A-Z of some of the genus that are available: –
- Abies (Firs), Acers (Maples), Azalea
- Berberis (Barberry), Betula (Birch), Bouganvillia, Buxus (Box)
- Callicarpa, Carpinus (Hornbeams) Carmona, Camellia, Chamaecyparis (Cypresses), Chaenomeles (Quince), Cornus (Dogwood), Corylopsis, Cotoneaster, Crataegus (Hawthorn), Cryptomeria, Cupressus
- Davallia (Deers foot fern), Duranta
- Elaeagnus, Eugenia, Euonymus
- Fagus (Beech), Feroniella, Fraxinus (Ash), Ficus (Fig), Forsythia, Fuschia,
- Gardinia, Ginkgo (Maidenhair trees), Guava,
- Halesia, Hammamelis (Witch hazels)
- Ilex (Holly)
- Jasminum (Jasmine), Juglans (Walnuts), Juniperus (Juniper)
- Kaki (Persimmon)
- Lagerstoemia, Larix (Larch), Leptosperum, Ligustrum (Privet)
- Magnolia, Malus (Apple), Metasequioa (Dawn Redwood), Morus (Mulberry) Myrtle, Murraya (Curry leaf tree)
- Nandina (Sacred bamboo)
- Olea (Olive)
- Parthenocissus, Picea (Spruce), Pinus (Pines), Pistacia (Pistachio), Podocarpus, Portocalcaria (Jade plant), Potentilla, Premna (Head ache tree), Prunus (Cherries, Apricots, Blackthorns, Plums), Pseudolarix (Golden Larch), Pyracantha (Firethorns), Punica (Pommegranate)
- Quercus (Oaks)
- Rhododendron, Rhus, Rosa (Rose), Ruscus
- Sageretia, Salix (Willow), Schefflera, Serrisa, Stewartia, Styrax, Syzigium
- Tamarix (Tamarisks), Tamarindus, (Tamarind), Taxus (Yew)
- Ulmus (Elms)
- Viburnum
- Wisteria
- Zanthoxylum, Zelkova

Enjoy a few snaps of the deciduous bonsai trees …… and more posts to follow with some of the other species and styles all available at Hoka-en Bonsai Studio at Lodder Bonsai BV and now also available via their web shop.
- Japanese White Beech
Hugo de Vriesweg 1
3481 JA Harmelen, Nederland
E-Mail: info@lodderbonsai.nl
T: +31(0)348 – 446 046
Also if you are keen to visit they have many events planned throughout the year and the first one this year is the Lodder Bonsai Open House 2013 ( 2nd weekend in March ) and admission is free.
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