June is a good time for flowering shrubs more so than trees and some shrubs make excellent bonsai, here is a quick guide to what could be out in flower this month, but timings can vary depending on the weather.
Trees in flower in June include:-
- Aesculus (Horse Chestnut)
- Crataegus (Hawthorn)
- Laburnum
- Magnolia
- Malus (Apple)
- Robinia
- Styrax (Snowbell tree)
Shrubs in flower in June include:-
- Abelia
- Buddleja
- Cistus
- Colutea
- Cornus (Dogwood)
- Cotoneaster
- Cytisus
- Deutzia
- Erica
- Escallonia
- Genista
- Hebe
- Kolkwitzia
- Lonicera (Honey suckle)
- Magnolia
- Olearia
- Philadelphus
- Potentilla
- Rhodondendron
- Rosa (Rose)
- Rubus
- Spiraea
- Syringa (Lilac)
- Viburnum
- Weigela
Climbers that flower in June include:-
- Clematis
- Jasminum
- Lonicera
- Wisteria
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