It is always fun to go on a bonsai shopping trip and we were not disappointed on arrival at Lodder Bonsai near Harmelen in the Netherlands to find a new shipment of trees had just arrived plus the nursery as always was full of stunning bonsai trees of all species, shapes, styles and price ranges.

It was great to catch up with Gerrit Lodder and his team who are always on hand to help with questions about the trees and pruning and repotting tips and if you get the time go to a workshop at the Hoka-en Bonsai studio.

If you are looking for a particular species of tree then this is a place I would recommend visiting and if you cannot get their in person then check out their online shop which is offering 15% discount for February for all on line purchases or follow them on Facebook.
- Azalea
- Bougainvillea
- Carmona
- Cudrania
- Durantha
- Euginia
- Ficus
- Ficus
- Ficus
- Guava
- Hamelia
- Ixora
- Jabotica
- Ligustrum var
- Murraya
- Malpighia
- Phyllanthus
- Premna
- Schefflera
- Serissa var
- Tamarind
- Triphasia
- Ulmus
- Wrigthia
- Zanthoxylum
- Semi tropical trees
- Tropical trees
- Tropical trees
- Tropical trees
- Tropical trees
Gerrit tends to source the more unusual, rare and different tree species that are of great interest and if you are looking for tropical trees then look no further as the range of them at Lodder Bonsai is fabulous from Figs through to Guava with a complete A-Z of tropical trees for you to choose from it is heaven.
- Petrified wood
- Garden lanterns
- Bonsai wire
- Bonsai tools
- Bonsai stands
- Bonsai pots
- Bonsai pots
- Bonsai fertiliser
It is like a one stop shop for all your bonsai needs with a superb range of bonsai pots for all sizes of bonsai trees as well as all the tools you could imagine. They also sell various bonsai soils, wire of all thicknesses and this year they have a range of bonsai stands and also petrified woods which are beautfiul.
- Garden trees and bamboo fencing
- Garden Pine tree
- Garden trees
- Ilex garden trees
- Pinus (PinesO
- Wide range of garden trees
- Taxus (Yew)
- Range of garden trees
- Pinus (Pine tree)
- Pine tree
- Larix (Larch)
- Ilex
- Ilex Niwaki
- Carpinus (Hornbeam)
- Acers (Maples)
They even sell gorgeous bamboo garden fencing and the garden trees (Niwaki) so should you wish to make your very own Japanese or Oriental Garden to set off your bonsai tree collection you can get all the items from one place and they ship to the UK which is great.
- Acer
- Acer
- Acer
- Acer
- Azalea
- Azalea
- Buxus
- Carica
- Carpinus
- Carpinus
- Carpinus
- Chamaecyparis
- Chaenomeles
- Dispyros
- Fagus
- Forsytia
- Gardenia
- Ginkgo
- Ginkgo
- Ilex
- Ilex
- Juniperus
- Larix
- Lonicera
- Malus
- Metasequioa
- Morus
- Olea
- Pinus
- Pinus
- Pistachio
- Premna
- Prunus
- Pseudolarix
- Punica
- Pyracantha
- Pyracantha
- Quercus
- Rhus
- Stewartia
- Trachelospermum
- Wisteria
- Shohin bonsai
- High end bonsai
- All shapes and sizes of starter bonsai
- High quality bonsai
- Shohin and Mame bonsai
- Range of bonsai
- Shohin and Mame bonsai
- Wide range of tree species
- Wide range of bonsai trees for sale
- High quality bonsai
- Shohin and Mame bonsai
- Various bonsai
The range of tree species for bonsai is excellent and one of the fun things is that no matter how long you spend perusing the shelves and display areas of bonsai trees you always find something that you didn’t see the first or even second time round. It is easily well worth a day out but if you are travelling over from the UK which is easy driving via the eurotunnel.
It takes about 4.5 hours once in France to get to Lodder Bonsai then book into one of the local hotels in the area like the Logis Hotel Het Wapen Van Harmelen and stay for a day or two as it is a great opportunity to study such a wide range of tree species as well as get to see the attributes of the trees up close depending on the time of year you go, so happy shopping!
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