This year the accents followed a theme as spring has come early so many bulbs were in bloom so a very colourful display of accents on show. With over 60 accents throughout the exhibition you were spoilt for choice with selecting a winner and John Trott had the difficult task for this. He sponsors the… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Defoliation
Best Shohin display Award for Andy Jordan
Congratulations to Andy Jordan with his awesome collection of shohin trees and the harmonious composition and attention to detail of his award winning display.
Best Conifer went to John Pitt
Well done John Pitt for winning the Best Conifer / Evergreen award for your Mugo Pine, a great achievement and a stunning example of a Pinus mugo ‘Pumilio’.
Best Chuhin award for Mark and Ritta Cooper
Congratulations to Mark and Ritta Cooper for winning the Best Chuhin category with their Mountain Maple (Acer palmatum), which was originally from Japan, and they have owned now for 5 years and it is in a Gyozan pot.
Best deciduous award for Jim Butterworth
Congratulations to Jim Butterworth for winning the Best Deciduous category with his Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) that was on the Aka Matsu club display.
Swindon Winter Show 2019 summary
This year’s show was another success with over 400 visitors and over 100 bonsai trees on display as individual exhibits or part of a club display or shohin or mame display. The show also had a wide range of traders and purchases of bonsai and associated sundries seem to be selling well on the day.
Set up for our Show
This year was amazing, the club members and volunteers who helped out on the Saturday for the set up did a great job and everything was in place well before 8pm.
Defoliation of Ginkgo’s
Ginkgo biloba are a fascinating species of tree and everyone should have at least one in their bonsai or tree collection. Recently I have been experimenting with defoliation techniques on them to aid with encouraging back budding and improve the density of buds on the branches which in turn will lead then to smaller leaves… Read more »
Ficus microcarpa (Ginseng Fig or Banyan Fig)
Recently I have been caring for a Ficus microcarpa as it was starting to show decline and leaf problems so I agreed to aid with the recovery if I could as I am used to looking after tropical bonsai trees having a few myself for the past 6 years.
Taiwan Fig problems
In June this year I noticed that the leaves on one of my Taiwan Figs were going yellow and usually this is part of the normal process of leaf shedding and renewal so I wasn’t overly alarmed at first. However, I began to notice that this was happening in greater quantities than normal and across… Read more »
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