Posts Tagged: fun

Chris Thomas workshop May 2024

This Saturdays workshop with Chris Thomas was a great event for Swindon Club members and all our workshops are part of your annual membership at no extra cost so it is well worth attending these and this one was no exception from the expertise and advice provided by Chris on the day. We had a… Read more »

UK Bonsai Association 11th UKBA Heathrow Bonsai Show 2022

What a fantastic bonsai show, bringing together so many amazing people in one location to talk about bonsai, display their own bonsai trees and have the opportunity to buy bonsai supplies. With everything available from the bonsai traders from bonsai trees to tools, soils, fertilisers and so much more. It is such a friendly atmosphere… Read more »

Bonsai Clubs @ 11th UKBA Heathrow Bonsai Show

If you are interested in bonsai then this was the show to attend, as it is open to all those who are interested in the hobby of bonsai and provides a chance for anyone who belongs to a bonsai club or society an opportunity to display their own bonsai trees together. If you are interested… Read more »

Swindon club @ 11th UKBA Heathrow Bonsai Show 2022

This year was another fantastic year for the bonsai club displays with 36 clubs present displaying their club members’ bonsai trees there was something for everyone to enjoy. With so many individuals from each club collectively coming together to display their own designs and styles and tree species of bonsai it was fabulous to see… Read more »

Traders @11th UKBA Heathrow Bonsai Show

There was a general buzz about the hall all day with everyone checking out the latest traders and everything they had to offer for sale. It was great to see so many visitors, as well as exhibitors, walking about proudly with their new purchases, I was one of those too as I found a stunning… Read more »

Clive Knight club member display

Clive who is a more recent member of Swindon and also the Chairman of Warminster Bonsai put on a display with his Korean Hornbeam (Carpinusturczaninowii) which he has been developing for the past year. It was in a Japanese pot, accompanied by a scroll and accent.

Reg Bolton club member display

This year Reg had two trees on display; they were an English Elm (Ulmus procera) which he collected 21 years ago and in a Walsall ceramics pot. The density of the fine branches provides a very highly ramified crown which Reg has worked hard to develop through time and technique. It is great to see an… Read more »

Clive Harber club member display

Clive was exhibiting his Korean Hornbeam (Carpinus turczaninowii) this year at the show as a club member of Swindon. He has owned this tree since 2007 and it was originally bought from a bonsai trader and is now in a Japanese pot.