Posts categorised: Show Reports

Accents at Wessex Annual Bonsai Show 2014

If you wanted to see a diversity of accents on display then you had a great opportunity at the recent Wessex Bonsai Society Annual Show and Open Competition and here are a selection of some of the accents on display.

Winning Bonsai Club Display at Wessex Show

The winning Bonsai Club display was for Newbury & District Bonsai Society and here are a few images of the individual elements of the display below and one tree that caught most peoples eye was an  unusual Weigela which is a flowering shrub owned by Dave Cleveland.

Winners at Wessex Class 6 to 8

Shohin Class 6 was defined by the size of the entry initially and all trees needed to be less than 12 inches in dimension on all sides, however depending on which definition you use the size of Shohin classification can vary but for this is was larger than the Mame classification and as stated all… Read more »

Winners at Wessex Class 4 and 5

Conifer Class 4, and this is for all species of bonsai trees that are defined as conifers and a well known definition is a tree ‘which bears cones and needle-like or scale-like leaves that are typically evergreen’ however this is not the whole picture in classification terms.

Winners at Wessex from Class 1 to 3

The Open Competition at Wessex Bonsai Society Show was well attended and the overall Best in Show went to Bill Baker with his Scots Pine. Here are the award winners from the first 3 classes and more on the other classes and wider class entries in subsequent posts.

Yamadori for sale at Exposition de Bonsai, France

Yamadori is bonsai material collected from nature and provides the artist with fanatic natural material to work with when designing a bonsai tree. The art forms found in nature have inspired many a bonsai enthusiast and this is one way

Potters at Exposition de Bonsai, France

The range of potters at the Exposition de Bonsai was excellent and it was great to see a wide variety of pot shapes and styles and some very interesting designs. Here are some examples of the Bonsai pots on sale and some of the pots we purchased.