A Swindon club member has donated this unusual pot to our raffle, turn up to our show tomorrow and win it!
Posts categorised: Winter Show
Winter show raffle prize
Graham from Dragonfly bonsai pots has donated this rustic pot to be included in the raffle at our show next weekend. Graham will be attending show taking commission orders and selling stock, so catch him there.
Winter show raffle prizes
A very generous donation to the raffle at our upcoming Winter Show from the European Bonsai Potter Collective. Delightful looking containers, they’re up for grabs if you turn up to the show on the 23rd of this month.
Winter show raffle prizes
These trees will the raffled off at our upcoming show Sunday 23rd February. You have to be at the show and buy a ticket in order to win these great prizes, sourced from Mr Lee Verhorevoort. We hope you win one.
Winter show raffle prize
Dan and Cecilia Barton have kindly offered the gorgeous pot as a raffle prize for one lucky winner at our winter show this year. I really enjoy the contrasting colours and fissured texture of this one, can’t wait to see what else he has as he will be trading at our show 😊
Brixen Bonsai Club
This year at our annual Winter Show we were delighted to welcome many of the members from Bonsai Club Brixen, Italy. This was orchestrated by Roland Schatzer whom I previously helped proof read the translation on his book Shohin Passion. This by the way is an excellent read, and still available in english. The club… Read more »
Tony Oswin club member display
Tony presented an English hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), which was collected 5 years ago, and it was in a Troll pot. Set alongside an accent also within a dragon Troll pot made by Tony.
Terry Adams club member displays
Terry had a series of trees in this years Winter Image Show including a White Pine (Pinus parviflora Zuisho) which was imported in 2007 and in a Chinese pot and Terry has owned and developed this tree for 11 years.
Clive Knight club member display
Clive who is a more recent member of Swindon and also the Chairman of Warminster Bonsai put on a display with his Korean Hornbeam (Carpinusturczaninowii) which he has been developing for the past year. It was in a Japanese pot, accompanied by a scroll and accent.
Reg Bolton club member display
This year Reg had two trees on display; they were an English Elm (Ulmus procera) which he collected 21 years ago and in a Walsall ceramics pot. The density of the fine branches provides a very highly ramified crown which Reg has worked hard to develop through time and technique. It is great to see an… Read more »
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