Today we had a workshop with Lee Verhorevoort of LV Bonsai and it was a great opportunity to get advice on your bonsai trees and work on their development. Lee also brought some trees and bonsai sundries to the workshop and many club members added to their collections.
Posts categorised: Workshops
Chris Thomas workshop
Chris is always fun to work with, this time no different. He shares a really positive attitude about getting the most out of time and material. Club members brought in their bonsai that they were either having difficulty making decisions with; or just needed a bit of help with.
Bonsai workshop with Lee Verhorevoort
The workshop at swindon with the excellent Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai was well attended , we had twelve members , all with trees of all different, shapes, sizes, that needed expert advice. Some of us were lucky to get away with little or no wiring, some had planned ahead and some not so lucky. We all had a… Read more »
2018 Pottery Workshop with David Jones from Walsall Studio Ceramics
Again we were joined by David Jones and his helper for the day, Charlotte Walby for an all day pottery workshop.
John Armitage workshop 2018
A fun day was had by all at the workshop with John Armitage. We all bought in lots of trees to work on and get help and advice from John on styling, development, pruning and much more. Below are a few images from the day. Well worth attending the full day workshops as you can… Read more »
Chris Thomas workshop
This Saturday we were fortunate to have a whole day with Chris Thomas at a workshop at Swindon. It was well attended by club members who brought in a whole range of their bonsai trees for help and advice from Chris.
Walsall Pottery Workshop
What an amazing day, it has given us all a greater appreciation of the time, work and detail that goes into making bonsai pots. It was a lot of fun too; we were all engrossed in our pot making throughout the day and what made the day was David Jones from Walsall Studio ceramics. He is… Read more »
John Armitage all day workshop June 2017
Another great workshop and a big thanks to John Armitage for this years all day Saturday workshop.
Club Workshop with John Armitage
Today, Sat 4th June 2016 we had an all day workshop with John Armitage. I managed to take a few photographs before getting back to work on the trees. Thanks to all those who brought biscuits and cake to keep us going we needed plenty of brain food. BIG thanks goes to John for another… Read more »
Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai workshop
This weekend was the Saturday workshop with Lee Verhorevoort from Lee Verhorevoort Bonsai and this was an ideal opportunity for all club members to get professional advice from Lee and get pruning and style tips and guidance on your own bonsai trees. Lee spent the entire day working around the room on everyone’s bonsai trees. He spent time… Read more »
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