The work that is involved in putting on any kind of show is usually quite considerable and this is true of a bonsai show. The Club members and their families who help to support the Swindon Bonsai Club displayed many of their own bonsai trees this year.
- Ulmus parvifolia (Cork bark Elm) Origin as a cutting from 1990 in Gordon Duffett pot
- Punica granatum (Pomegranate) grown from seed in 1988 and in Walsall Ceramics pot
- Pinus parviflora (White pine) Imported in 1996 and in Chinese pot
- Ulmus procera (English Elm) collected in 1995 and in a Gordon Duffett pot
- Ulmus procera (English Elm) Collected in 1996 and in a Keramika pro bonsai pot
- Ulmus procera (English elm) Collected in 2010 and in a Keramika Pro bonsai pot
- Ulmus pumila (Siberian Elm) grown from a cutting in 2006 and in a Terry Adams pot
- Ulmus parvifolia (Cork bark Elm) bought from LV Bonsai in 2015
- Ulmus parvifolia (Cork bark Elm)
- Cotoneaster, collected in 1992 and in a Keramika Pro bonsai pot
- Taxus baccata (English Yew) collected in 1994 and in a Chinese pot
- Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple) over rock
- Accent
- Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple) originates from a cutting in 1991 and in a Walsall Ceramics pot
- Carpinus turczaninowii (Korean Hornbeam) imported from Korea and in a John Pitt pot and owned since 1997
- Carpinus turczaninowii (Korean Hornbeam)
- Accent
- Ulmus procera (English Elm) owned by current owner since 1969
- Ulmus parvifolia (Cork bark Elm) bought from LV Bonsai in 2015
- Ulmus parvifolia (Cork bark Elm)
- Daffodil accent
- Carpinus laxiflora (Korean hornbeam)
- Moss accent
- Pinus parviflora (Kokonoe) imported in 2007 and in a chinese pot
- Ulmus procera (English Elm)
- Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple)
- Larix decidua (European larch)
- Wooden accent
- Pinus parviflora (Japanese white Pine)
- Root over rock
- Ulmus parvifolia (Cork bark Elm) in Walsall ceramics pot
- Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper)
- Carpinus turczaninowii (Korean Hornbeam)
- Larix decidua (European larch)
Some of the club members have been doing bonsai since the 1960’s and are able to display their trees, which they have developed during that time. Terry Adams kindly offered to print labels for club members to provide more details on the origin of the bonsai trees as well as details on the tree species and pot.
- Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper) imported and in Japanese pot and owned since 2005
- Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yatsabusa’ (Japanese Cedar) bought from club sales and in Walsall Ceramics pot
- Juniperus x media blaaws (Blaaws juniper) imported and in Japanese pot and owned since 2007
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Zelkova serrata (Japanese Elm) bought from LV Bonsai in 2012
- Ulmus parvifolia corticosa (Cork bark Chinese Elm) owned since 2007 and bought from Lodder Bonsai BV
- Carpinus turczaninowii (Korean hornbeam) bought from Lodder Bonsai bv and 90 years old
- Carpinus turczaninowii (Korean hornbeam) bought from Lodder Bonsai bv and 90 years old
- Shohin display
- Shohin display
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Mame display
- Larix (Larch)
It was also great that some of the newer club members put on their own displays so different trees are on display each year so there are new exhibits to promote interest and discussion.
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