Posts categorised: Club Meetings

March club night

This months meeting was the Annual General Meeting as well as a short talk from Kit Bowns on his Shohin entry for the Shohin UK II Exhibition 2015 this weekend.

February meeting

Last chance to discuss the arrangements, the planning is in the details. We’ve been all out preparing the displays, backdrops and everything else that goes into making what we hope will be, another great show.

January meeting

At this time of year it is all about preparation for our upcoming show. Tonight the topic in discussion under everyones’ lips is pot choice. Getting the right pot for the right tree can be tricky, and a matter of taste. Trying to keep a pot in an oversized, cheaper pot for most of the… Read more »

San Jose Juniper

Simon Temblett gave an evening talk to Swindon Bonsai Club and during his talk he ran through some of his bonsai creations. One stood out, his San Jose Juniper (Juniperus chinensis) which he bought 25 years ago as a tiny plant from a garden centre.

Bonsai Ents

Welcome to the world of creating Bonsai Ents that Simon Temblett introduced to club members at our recent club night where Simon showed us that there can be so much more to bonsai than just a tree in a pot, how about your very own Ent.

Bonsai sculpture

Sculpture and bonsai tend to go hand in hand and it is an opportunity to create something that is unique and unusual whilst still maintaining a living bonsai tree and Simon has been perfecting techniques like this over 30 years developing his experience, he is now sharing it with us.

Boulevard Juniper story

One of Simon Tembletts more well known creations is his Boulevard Juniper (Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘boulevard’) but sadly of late this tree has been suffering from what Simon believes is natural diebackĀ as opposed to a pest or disease problem. He puts the dieback down to mild moisture stress due to continued growth restricted to a shallow… Read more »