Posts categorised: Club Meetings

May tree of the month

This months tree of the month was won by a Scots Pine and they owner also brought in two images of the tree in its earlier stages of development to show its progress.

April tree of the month

This month was the first tree of the month for this year and it was well attended and in 1st place was a Cotoneaster root over rock, in 2nd place a flowering Crab Apple and in 3rd place was a Hawthorn.

April Club night

Tonights meeting was primarily focused on reviewing the accents that we all made back in August 2011 during the Kusamono and Shitakusa evening with Ritta Cooper.

Exhibiting at shows and show preparation

It is now only 5 days before our Winter Image Show this Sunday and Paul B gave an update on the final preparations and we discussed the last remaining arrangements and set up times. This was then followed by a talk firstly from Terry Adams on how to prepare your bonsai trees for a show… Read more »

Tree of the month

  This month there were six entries for tree of the month including Korean Hornbeams, Deshojo maple, Chinese Elm, Siberian Elm and a Forsythia.  The winning tree was a mame Korean Hornbeam, followed in second place by a Chinese Elm and in third place a Forsythia.

January 2012 club night

  The tree of the month competition was well attended and the winner goes to Paul Bowerbank this month for his Siberian Elm. In second place was a beautiful Larch from Dennis Henly and in joint third were a Yew that belongs to Mike Partridge and a Cork Bark Elm of Derek May. There was… Read more »

Design from nature

Terry Adams gave a brilliant presentation for us with a slideshow of images of trees in nature and how they offer serious food for thought when it comes to bonsai design. He presented his ideas on designing bonsai trees based on his many years of observations of nature. He has gained inspiration from many sources

November TOTM

This month there were six  trees in the tree of the month competition and the winner was the Hinoki Cypress