Posts categorised: Club Meetings

Tree of the month for October

This month was a photographic night and workshop and Reg Bolton kindly brought in his lights and Paul brought the back drop to enable the club members to photograph their bonsai trees. The evening was full of discussion and members shared views on how their trees have faired this year with such changeable weather conditions…. Read more »

Displaying bonsai trees

Tonight we had a joint talk given by Reg Bolton and Bob Bailey on how to set up a good bonsai display and the do’s and dont’s around how to display bonsai trees.

July Tree of the Month

This month was a well attended tree of the month with ten entries. Here are the trees that were in this months competition.

Bonsai Photography night

This evening the club held a photographic night to learn more about the art of photographing their own and other bonsai trees. Mark Cooper gave an overview on the general rules and guidelines on how to achieve good results and a general discussion followed on types of cameras, the use of additional light and flashes… Read more »

June Tree of the Month

There were four trees entered into tree of the month and the winning tree was a fabulous Siberian Elm.