Posts categorised: Show Reports

Exhibition at Shaw Ridge Primary School

The Club was asked to do a display as part of the School’s fundraising event in support of the Japanese Tsunami Appeal. It seemed like a worthy cause and with an indoor venue and tables supplied by the School it was fairly easy to do. With the Club’s A Team on the beach at Exmouth… Read more »

‘GOLD’ at Chelsea Flower Show 2011

  I have just had the phone call informing me that the Fobbs display has again got a ‘Gold’ medal, making this the forth in secession. Hopefully there will be a small snippet

Wessex bonsai show 2011

This was a very good show with lots of very good trees exhibited. The local clubs who supported this show including

Best of British Bonsai show April 2011

Well what a fabulous venue, the Birmingham Botanical gardens and a glorious day, brilliant sunshine setting a great atmosphere to a full day or weekend for some to admire bonsai at the Best of British Bonsai show.

Chelsea 2010

Below are a selection of the club trees exhibited on the FOBBS stand.