As part of our 10th Anniversary year celebrations, The Swindon & District Bonsai Society are pleased to announce that at our Winter Image show, to be held on the 19th February 2012, will feature an exciting new exhibit Section.

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Bonsai Focus Magazines

Rene Rooswinkel of Bonsai Focus has kindly donated two prizes for the raffle at our forth coming Winter Image Show on the 19th February 2012. They are a set of Japanese Bonsai magazines and a Japanese Bonsai photo book.

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Erin Bonsai Pots

Wow! what a fantastic collection of pots. We’ve been in touch with Bonsai suppliers from across Europe trying to get some great prizes for you at our upcoming Winter Show.

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Terry Adams gave a brilliant presentation for us with a slideshow of images of trees in nature and how they offer serious food for thought when it comes to bonsai design. He presented his ideas on designing bonsai trees based on his many years of observations of nature. He has gained inspiration from many sources

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1st Chamaecyparis obtusa (Hinoki Cypress)

This month there were six  trees in the tree of the month competition and the winner was the Hinoki Cypress

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The judging of this show took an unusual format – visitors were provided with a voting slip and asked to nominate a numbered tree worthy of winning. I think anyone who has been to a bonsai show and questioned the judge’s decision might think this of this as a good idea. I will have to report back to let you know who has won.

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Recently there have been some fabulous examples of root over rock styles at bonsai shows throughout the UK and some excellent examples were present at Heathrow bonsai show this month. This technique of planting the bonsai over a rock or even clinging to a rock is not an easyone to perfect and to be convincing

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Bright red autumn colour on a bonsai Katsura tree

One of the most remarkable aspects of this tree, the Katsura is around now for all to smell, it is the wonderful onset of autumn colour and smell which sets the taste buds alight. The leaves as they go into senescence (autumn colour) emit a fabulous scent which is described as that of

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