A new trader at this years 10th Anniversary Winter Image Show will be Josephine Ikeda of Imari Design and she will be selling unique handmade oriental handbags, purses, accessories and clothing with a very strong Japanese cultural theme. They are all handmade from vintage Japanese Kimono and contemporary fabrics and they are beautifully designed.

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Ken Leaver of WindyBank Bonsai will have a stand at this years forth coming 10th Anniversary Winter Image Show and he will not disappoint all those looking to expand their bonsai tree collections or even start a collection.

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It is not only the Oaks you now need to watch over closely but also your pines too. A new threat to pines is present in the form of Pine Processionary moth (PPM) (Thaumetopoea pityocampa).

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Ficus_Lodders Bonsai

Ficus microcarpa 'taiwan' (Taiwan Fig)

Within the UK, most bonsai enthusiasts keep outdoor bonsai trees and by this I mean they keep species of trees as bonsai that are acclimatised to the weather conditions of the UK. Native species of trees are frequently used as well as more hardy non native trees that make excellent bonsai specimens.

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John Trott Gold at Chelsea 2008

John Trott of Mendip Bonsai Studio is not only going to be trading at the 2012 10th Anniversary Swindon Winter Image Show in February but he is sponsoring the Best Accent award for our Show and has donated a one to one workshop as a raffle prize.

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